


  • 1、He had long laughter lines that creased from the corners of his eyes all the way down to his narrow strip ofbeard.(他有长长的笑纹,从他的眼角一直到他蓄着细长胡须的下颌。)
  • 2、Stan was very famous for his long whitebeard.(斯坦因他长长的白胡子而出名。)
  • 3、Bill preened hisbeard.(比尔精心修剪了自己的胡须。)
  • 4、He's had hisbeard shaved off.(他把胡子刮掉了。)
  • 5、The old man placed himself near and wanted to look on, and his whitebeard hung down.(老人坐得很近,想看看,他的白胡子垂了下来。)
  • 6、Hisbeard straggles because he hasn't shaven for a week.(他的胡须蓬乱,因为他有一个星期没刮胡子了。)
  • 7、Let's suppose the person alive in 2050 is bald and bend over, has nobeard.(假定2050年的那个人是秃头的、驼背的、没有胡子的。)
  • 8、In the morning, he was so tired and unhappy that he cut his longbeard right off.(第二天早上,他又累又不高兴,就把他的长胡子给剪掉了。)
  • 9、I don't like myself without abeard.(我不喜欢自己一根胡子没有。)
  • 10、She advised Stan to cut thatbeard off many times, but he never did it.(她建议斯坦把胡子剪掉很多次,但他从来没有这样做过。)
  • 11、I didn't recognize him—he's grown abeard.(我没认出他来—他留胡子了。)
  • 12、Stan listened to his wife's advice to cut thebeard off.(斯坦听了他妻子的建议把胡子剪掉了。)
  • 13、At the very beginning, Stan'sbeard was under the quilt.(一开始,斯坦的胡子还在被子里。)
  • 14、Hisbeard is black.(他的胡子是黑色的。)
  • 15、It was the cab driver who drove the man with the blackbeard.(载着黑胡子男人的正是那个出租车司机。) Hao86.com
  • 16、He met a monster with a whitebeard.(他遇到了一个白胡子怪物。)
  • 17、In the morning, Stan was so tired that he cut his longbeard off.(早上,斯坦很累,以至于他不小心剪掉了他的长胡子。)
  • 18、He was old and had a long whitebeard.(他年纪大了,还留着长长的白胡子。)
  • 19、I like yourbeard.(我喜欢你的胡子。)
  • 20、Hisbeard was tickling her cheek.(他的胡须扎得她的面颊痒痒的。)
  • 21、Those crumbs fell off hisbeard.(那些面包屑从他的胡子上掉下来。)
  • 22、He was unrecognizable without hisbeard.(他刮掉胡子,无人认得出他了。)
  • 23、Gary sat fingering hisbeard, saying nothing.(加里坐着用手捋着胡子,一言不发。)
  • 24、This is hisbeard.(这是他的胡子。)
  • 25、He's decided to grow abeard.(他已经决定蓄胡须。)
  • 26、He is bald, tall and thin, and has abeard.(他秃顶,又高又瘦,还留着胡子。)
  • 27、Tim has sprouted abeard since we last saw him.(我们上次见到蒂姆以后,蒂姆长出了胡子。)
  • 28、Charles decided to shave off hisbeard.(查尔斯决定刮掉胡子。)
  • 29、Threads of silver ran through hisbeard and the hair at his temples.(缕缕银丝已爬上了他的胡须和两鬓的头发。)
  • 近义词、反义词
