


  • 1、He put his hoop away, and hisbat; there was no joy in them any more.(他收起铁环和球棒;这些不再能给他带去快乐了。)
  • 2、The many rainforestbat species are especially well adapted for this lifestyle.(许多热带雨林的蝙蝠特别适合这种生活方式。)
  • 3、I can play baseball with a ball, abat and special gloves.(有球、球棒和特殊的手套我就可以打棒球。)
  • 4、Anna's got abat.(安娜获得了一个球棒。)
  • 5、She has a baseballbat.(她有一个棒球拍。)
  • 6、I picked up his baseballbat and swung at the man's head.(我捡起他的棒球棒朝那个人的头打去。)
  • 7、The victim was clubbed to death with a baseballbat.(受害者被用棒球球棒殴打致死。)
  • 8、Thebat head up.(蝙蝠头部朝上。)
  • 9、This boy has a baseballbat.(这个男孩子有一个棒球棒。)
  • 10、I bolted the door the instant I saw thebat.(我一看到那只蝙蝠就把门闩上了。)
  • 11、He hid the baseballbat under his bed.(他把棒球棒藏在床底下。)
  • 12、I have a baseball, but I don't have a baseballbat.(我有一个棒球,但是我没有棒球球棒。)
  • 13、So thebat sends out these pulses, very focused bursts of sound, and echoes bounce back.(所以蝙蝠发出这些脉冲,一种非常集中的声波,然后回声就会反弹回来。)
  • 14、Oh dear, I'm going to be as blind as abat.(哦,天哪,我要像蝙蝠一样瞎了。)
  • 15、In Chinese folklore thebat is a symbol of good fortune.(在中国民间传说中,蝙蝠是好运的象征。)
  • 16、It's like being hit with a baseballbat.(这像是被棒球球棒打了一下。)
  • 17、If you are abatboy, then you are holding thebat for the baseball players.(如果你是棒球队球童,那么你就要为棒球队员拿球棒。)
  • 18、Thatbat is pink.(那根球棒是粉色的。)
  • 19、Thebat emits these ultrasonic pulses, very high pitch sound waves that we cannot hear.(蝙蝠会发出我们听不到的非常高的超声波脉冲。)
  • 20、Kid, grab thebat!(小子,抓住那只蝙蝠!)
  • 21、They are notbat ears.(它们不是蝙蝠耳。)
  • 22、bat joined the birds.(蝙蝠加入了鸟群。)
  • 23、Do you have a baseballbat?(你有棒球拍吗?)
  • 24、There's a fatbat!(这有一只胖蝙蝠!)
  • 25、The boy traded his knife for a cricketbat.(那男孩用他的刀子换了一个板球棒。)
  • 26、Where's mybat?(我的球棒在哪?)
  • 27、Thebat judges distance by a kind of echolocation.(蝙蝠通过一种回声定位来判断距离。)
  • 28、Pat sat onbat.(帕特坐在球棒上。)
  • 29、Why does Bruce Wayne spend millions dressing up as abat?(为什么布鲁斯·韦恩要花数百万美元打扮成蝙蝠的样子?)
  • 30、He drove thebat.(他赶走了蝙蝠。)
  • 近义词、反义词
