


  • 1、We need tobecome critical text-readers.(我们需要成为批判性的文本阅读者。)
  • 2、Elderly people easilybecome socially isolated.(上了年纪的人很容易变得与社会隔绝。)
  • 3、Military action maybecome necessary.(军事行动可能会成为必要。)
  • 4、The reforms have recentlybecome law.(这些改革最近已成为法律。)
  • 5、May Day hasbecome a venerable institution.(国际劳动节已经成为一个神圣庄严的既定节日。)
  • 6、Health and fitness havebecome big business.(保健已经成为大生意。)
  • 7、Such behaviour did notbecome her.(这种举止与她的身份不相称。)
  • 8、Doctorsbecome inured to death.(医生们对死亡变得习以为常。)
  • 9、His hospital room hadbecome a prison.(他的病房变成了牢笼。)
  • 10、Will Britain everbecome a classless society?(英国会有可能成为无阶级的社会吗?)
  • 11、He'sbecome quite a fundi on wine.(他成了葡萄酒的行家。)
  • 12、At night, the dark streetsbecome menacing.(在夜晚,漆黑的街道变得阴森森的。)
  • 13、His face hadbecome peculiarly expressionless.(他的脸变得异乎寻常地毫无表情。)
  • 14、His aim was tobecome president.(他的目的是当总统。)
  • 15、Her husband hadbecome withdrawn and moody.(她的丈夫变得沉默寡言而且喜怒无常。)
  • 16、The country hasbecome virtually ungovernable.(这个国家几乎变得无法治理。)
  • 17、We must notbecome complacent about progress.(我们决不能因进步变得自满。)
  • 18、You eventuallybecome oblivious to the noise.(你终究会变得不在意吵闹声的。)
  • 19、Wearing fur hasbecome unfashionable.(穿裘皮服装已经变得不流行了。)
  • 20、Martin hadbecome Howard Cosell's surrogate son.(马丁已成为霍华德马考塞尔的代子了。)
  • 21、Prison conditions havebecome more brutal.(监狱的条件已经变得更加严酷。)
  • 22、He'dbecome quite the little gentleman.(他成了颇有风度的绅士了。)
  • 23、If untreated, the illness canbecome severe.(若不加以治疗,病情就可能会变得很严重。)
  • 24、The bill willbecome law next year.(该议案将于明年成为法律。)
  • 25、Look how lazy we'vebecome.(瞧我们变得有多懒。)
  • 26、The stream hadbecome a raging torrent.(小溪变成了一条汹涌的急流。)
  • 27、Her relationship with Mark hasbecome stale.(她和马克的关系已变得乏味了。) hao86.com
  • 28、Inter-racial marriages havebecome commonplace.(不同种族间的通婚已经变得很常见。)
  • 29、He hasbecome more moralistic.(他变得更喜欢说教了。)
  • 近义词、反义词
