


  • 1、Kids used to tradebaseball cards.(孩子们过去常互相交换棒球卡片。)
  • 2、The onlybaseball he saw was on the tube.(他只在电视上看过棒球比赛。)
  • 3、The team's logo was emblazoned on thebaseball caps.(球队标识醒目地印在棒球帽上。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 4、If you are a batboy, then you are holding the bat for thebaseball players.(如果你是棒球队球童,那么你就要为棒球队员拿球棒。)
  • 5、Good. We likebaseball.(太好了。我们喜欢棒球。)
  • 6、The victim was clubbed to death with abaseball bat.(受害者被用棒球球棒殴打致死。)
  • 7、We passed long, hot afternoons pitching abaseball.(我们以打棒球来消磨一个个漫长的炎热午后。)
  • 8、This game is a variant ofbaseball.(这种运动是由棒球演变而来的。)
  • 9、A radar gun timed the speed of thebaseball.(一支雷达枪测出了棒球的速度。)
  • 10、We talked idly about magazines andbaseball.(我们闲聊着杂志和棒球。)
  • 11、Butbaseball isn't tennis.(但棒球不是网球。)
  • 12、After military service he played some minor leaguebaseball.(退伍后,他参加了一些职业棒球次级联盟的比赛。)
  • 13、Two teenage boys asked us for money, saying they were forming abaseball team. Anna said they were hustling us.(两个小男孩向我们要钱,说他们要成立棒球队。安娜说他们在骗钱。)
  • 14、The only consolation for thebaseball team is that they look likely to get another chance.(对这支棒球队的惟一安慰是他们看来可能会得到另一次机会。)
  • 15、He often wore abaseball cap.(他经常戴顶棒球帽。)
  • 16、They're wearingbaseball caps.(他们在戴着棒球帽。)
  • 17、Just drive around the city and see all the emptybaseball diamonds there are.(就开车在城里转转,看看所有空闲的棒球场。)
  • 18、Run to practicebaseball.(跑去参加棒球训练。)
  • 19、He buys rarebaseball cards on eBay.(他从易趣网上购买珍稀的棒球卡。)
  • 20、Two thugs clubbed him withbaseball bats.(两名暴徒用棒球棍狠打了他。)
  • 21、He maliciously damaged a car with abaseball bat.(他用棒球棍恶意地损坏了一辆汽车。)
  • 22、Rain dripped from the brim of hisbaseball cap.(雨水从他的棒球帽檐上滴下来。)
  • 23、He umpiredbaseball games.(他过去担任棒球比赛的裁判。)
  • 24、One room contained a gallery of paintings commemorating great moments inbaseball history.(有一间房间里有一个画廊,陈列着纪念棒球史上伟大时刻的绘画作品。)
  • 25、The samebaseball glove?(同一个棒球手套吗?)
  • 26、Haskins said he has been playing fantasybaseball for the past five years.(哈斯金斯说他在过去的5年里一直在打梦幻棒球游戏。)
  • 27、Casey Stengel was probably the most colourful character inbaseball.(凯西·斯坦格可能是棒球运动中最有趣的人物。)
  • 28、He likesbaseball.(他喜欢棒球运动。)
  • 29、He was the fastest thing I ever saw on abaseball field.(他是我见过的在棒球场上跑得最快的家伙。)
  • 近义词、反义词
