


  • 1、Sometimes the most powerful points can be delivered in a very quiet voice - with the audiencebreathless to hear.(有时候,最有力的观点可以用非常轻柔的声音表达出来的,伴随着听众的呼吸声让他们接收。)
  • 2、Thebreathless reports convey the impression that he has lost his communication skills altogether.(这些令人不安的报道给人们带来这样一种印象:奥巴马已经彻底丧失了沟通技能。)
  • 3、She was hot andbreathless from the exertion of cycling uphill.(她骑车上山累得全身发热,喘不过气来。)
  • 4、There was a lovelybreathless silence and the chair wheeled on.(有一阵美好的、令人窒息的寂静,然后轮椅继续前进。)
  • 5、A month after being admitted to hospital, swollen,breathless, and bleeding, with his leukemia as robust as ever, he went on hospice in the hospital and died.(在入院一个月后,他出现了肿胀、呼吸困难和流血,白血病依然严重,他在医院接受了临终关怀,最终死亡。)
  • 6、The audience listenedbreathless, but the words refused to come.(听众屏息静听,但话还是没有说出来。)
  • 7、But what of Facebook and Twitter, the subject of suchbreathless warnings?(那么,就脸谱网和碎碎念来说,如此扣人心弦的主题所警示的是什么?)
  • 8、A fisherman drags nets of oysters from the turbid river water on abreathless summer day.(一个渔民在喘不过气来的夏天从浑浊的河水里拖上了几网牡蛎。)
  • 9、He arrivedbreathless at the top of the stairs.(他爬上楼梯顶时气喘吁吁的。)
  • 10、I standbreathless and shivering beneath a clear night sky.(在清澈的夜空下我凝神屏息,微微颤抖。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 11、Colin was heaving with greatbreathless sobs.(科林身体起起伏伏,哭得喘不过气来。)
  • 12、Her haste and fatigue had left her sobreathless that she had to begin again.(匆忙和疲惫使得她上汽不接下气,她只好从新开口说话。)
  • 13、This is not the first time Brazil has generated so muchbreathless excitement.(这并不是巴西第一次展现出如此激动人心的兴奋。)
  • 14、There\'s heat in thebreathless August day already.(没有一丝风的八月天,热气已经开始袭来。)
  • 15、He stops,breathless and dying.(他停了下来,气喘吁吁,奄奄一息。)
  • 16、breathless headlines have hailed the bursting of a bubble.(大得让人窒息的标题已经在欢呼泡沫的破裂。)
  • 17、The 50th anniversaries of Psycho andbreathless made me feel my age.(《精神病患者》和《气喘吁吁》50周年纪念日,让我觉得自己已经老去。)
  • 18、From all thebreathless speculation you'd think that was on the CARDS.(从所有卖力的推测中,你所考虑的是可能的。)
  • 19、Watching him climb up the precipice, everybody wasbreathless with anxiety.(看着他往悬崖上爬,大家都捏一把汗。)
  • 20、Both men were slightlybreathless, as if they had been running up stairs.(两人呼吸微弱,就好像他们一直在爬楼梯似的。)
  • 21、She replied, and in a moment more he was at her side,breathless with running.(她回应他的呼唤,不一会儿他跑着来到了她的身边,穿着粗气。)
  • 22、I panted, quitebreathless with quick walking and alarm.(我喘息着说,因为走得快,又太惊慌,使我上气不接下气。)
  • 23、Being overweight can make you tired andbreathless.(体重超重,容易引发疲劳、气喘。)
  • 24、Katherine asked the guard,breathless.(凯瑟琳屏住呼吸向门卫问道。)
  • 25、You'll feel "lighter" and things that use to make youbreathless will now seem much easier.(你会感觉自己“轻松”了,过去让你气喘吁吁的事情变得轻而易举。)
  • 26、I was a littlebreathless and my heartbeat was bumpy and fast.(我有点上气不接下气,我的心跳不稳并且很快。)
  • 27、By the time I woke up from this, my most recent dream, my heart was racing and I feltbreathless.(当从我这最近的一个梦中醒来时,我的心脏跳得飞快,感觉像要窒息一样。)
  • 近义词、反义词
