


  • 1、I stuck the photos into analbum.(我把照片贴到相册上。)
  • 2、Theresa showed me her photoalbum.(特雷莎给我看了她的相册。)
  • 3、He left thealbum open on the table.(他把相册敞开着放在桌子上了。)
  • 4、He had just completed his final soloalbum.(他刚刚完成他最后一张个人专辑。)
  • 5、Her latestalbum has met with a mixed reception from fans.(她的最新唱片在歌迷之间反响不一。)
  • 6、This was the fourthalbum by the top rock outfit.(这是这个顶级摇滚乐队的第四张唱片专辑。)
  • 7、Their newalbum is out now.(他们的新专辑现已面市。)
  • 8、The song was originally a filler on their firstalbum.(这首歌在他们第一张专辑中本来是用来凑时间的。)
  • 9、Their firstalbum was titled 'Ocean Drive'.(他们的第一张专辑定名为《海洋行》。)
  • 10、Their newalbum is dynamite.(他们的新唱片引起轰动。) hao86.com
  • 11、Thealbum was an exciting jazz-pop crossover.(这张唱片中收集了爵士乐与流行音乐两种风格相结合的精彩作品。)
  • 12、On a shelf beneath he spotted a photoalbum.(在下方的书架上他发现了一本相册。)
  • 13、The band has gone on tour to promote their newalbum.(这个乐队已开始巡回宣传他们的新唱片。)
  • 14、Musically speaking, their latestalbum is nothing special.(就音乐而言,他们最新的专辑没什么特别的。)
  • 15、Their newalbum is their doomiest.(他们的新专辑是他们最失败的作品。)
  • 16、The band have just brought out their secondalbum.(这个乐队刚刚推出了他们的第二张专辑。)
  • 17、It looks like it's thumbs up for their latestalbum.(看样子他们的最新歌曲专辑成功了。)
  • 18、The band's firstalbum is due for release later this month.(这个乐队的第一张唱片预定在本月下旬发行。)
  • 19、They are recording a follow-up to their successful 1989album.(他们正在为1989年那张成功专辑录制一张续辑。)
  • 20、She came on the show to plug her latestalbum.(她出现在电视节目上,推广她的新唱片专辑。)
  • 21、Can you hear the words on thealbum?(你能听清那张专集里的歌词吗?)
  • 22、The initial pressing of the group'salbum has already sold out.(这个乐队的首批专辑唱片已售罄。)
  • 23、The group let rip with a single from their newalbum.(乐队充满激情地表演了他们新唱片中的一首单曲。)
  • 24、The band'salbum spawned a string of hit singles.(这支乐队的专辑繁衍出一连串走红的单曲唱片。)
  • 25、This is a fabulousalbum. It's fresh, varied, fun.(这是个极好的专辑。它是新颖的、多样的、有趣的。)
  • 26、His latestalbum is available on all formats.(他的最新专辑有各种格式可以买到。)
  • 27、Oasis release their newalbum on July 1.(绿洲乐队将于7月1日发行他们的新专辑。)
  • 28、He co-produced thealbum with Bowie.(他和宝仪共同制作了这张唱片。)
  • 近义词、反义词
