


  • 1、The project has now receivedapproval from the government.(这个项目现在得到了政府的批准。)
  • 2、Their support is conditional on his proposals meeting theirapproval.(他们的支持是以他的提议得到他们的批准为条件的。)
  • 3、The fans roared (out) theirapproval.(崇拜者大声叫好。)
  • 4、The testing andapproval of new drugs will be speeded up.(新药的检测与审批将会加速。)
  • 5、The plan will be submitted to the committee for officialapproval.(该计划将送交委员会正式批准。)
  • 6、Several people nodded inapproval.(好几个人点头表示同意。)
  • 7、I can't agree to anything without my partner'sapproval.(没有合伙人的认可我什么也不能答应。)
  • 8、This is subject to yourapproval.(请你审批。)
  • 9、The article is ready to publish, subject to yourapproval.(那篇文章准备好了,可以发表,就等你批准了。)
  • 10、She signified herapproval with a smile.(她笑了笑表示赞同。)
  • 11、We hope today's offer will meet with yourapproval too.(我们希望今天的提议也将会得到您的批准。) hAo86.com
  • 12、Do the plans meet with yourapproval ?(这些计划你赞成吗?)
  • 13、Gettingapproval for the plan is a purely formal matter; nobody will seriously oppose it.(寻求计划获得批准纯粹是一个形式上的问题,没有人会认真反对的。)
  • 14、When we want validation for our decisions we often turn to friends for advice andapproval.(当我们想要获得对我们的决定的确认时,我们经常向朋友们求得建议和认可。)
  • 15、She desperately wanted to win her father'sapproval.(她急不可待地想赢得父亲的赞同。)
  • 16、He won his mother's unsparingapproval.(他赢得了母亲毫无保留的赞同。)
  • 17、The film was made with the Prince's full knowledge andapproval.(这部影片是在王子充分了解和认可的情况下拍摄的。)
  • 18、The expert therefore recommends that the watch commander'sapproval should no longer be required since the officers' time spent obtainingapproval is largely wasted.(因此,专家建议不再需要值勤指挥官的批准,因为军官花在获得批准上的时间大部分都浪费了。)
  • 19、The killing of bad mice requires no priorapproval.(杀死坏老鼠不需要事先批准。)
  • 20、The project has the government's stamp ofapproval.(工程已获得政府批准。)
  • 21、Herapproval was of supreme importance.(她的认可是极其重要的。)
  • 22、A roar ofapproval resounded through the legislature.(一片赞成声在议会中回响。)
  • 23、The Constitution requires the president to seek the priorapproval of Congress for military action.(宪法要求总统寻求国会对军事行动的事先批准。)
  • 24、They finally came to a decision that has met with generalapproval.(他们最终做出了一个得到普遍认可的决定。)
  • 25、Jacques tasted one and nodded hisapproval.(雅克品尝了一个并点头表示赞许。)
  • 26、The expert has therefore recommended that because the officers' time spent obtainingapproval is largely wasted, the watch commander'sapproval no longer be required.(因此,专家建议,由于军官们花在获得批准上的时间大部分都被浪费了,因此不再需要值班指挥官的批准。)
  • 27、There was a roar ofapproval.(响起了一片表示赞成的喊叫声。)
  • 28、Do you have the registrationapproval letter from the review committee?(你有审查委员会的注册批准信吗?)
  • 29、Smiling is apparently a universal sign of friendliness andapproval.(微笑显然是友好和认可的普遍标志。)
  • 近义词、反义词
