


  • 1、Robert Pepperell, an artist based at Cardiff University, createsambiguous works that are neither entirely abstract nor clearly representational.(卡迪夫大学艺术家罗伯特·佩珀尔创作的作品模棱两可,既不完全抽象,也不具有明显的代表性。)
  • 2、The wording was deliberatelyambiguous.(这里的措辞故意模棱两可。)
  • 3、His role has always beenambiguous.(他的角色一直不明确。)
  • 4、Solvingambiguous recognition of objects.(处理对象中不明确的识别。)
  • 5、The manifesto is long-winded, repetitious and oftenambiguous or poorly drafted.(这篇宣言长篇大论,内容叠床架屋,词句常常含混不清或不知所云。)
  • 6、B: I'm simply not used to suchambiguous remarks.(我就是不习惯那引起模棱两可的话。)
  • 7、His answer wasambiguous.(他的答复是含糊的。)
  • 8、The author's attitude to his city life isambiguous.(作者对都市生活的态度是含糊不清的。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 9、The precise meaning of this term has always beenambiguous.(这个术语的确切意思一直都很模棱两可。)
  • 10、Elections in June produced anambiguous result.(六月大选产生了一个并不明朗的结果。)
  • 11、Many carnivorous dinosaurs haveambiguous features, such as "peg-like" teeth at the front of the mouth, or no teeth at all.(许多食肉恐龙的特征并不是很明显,例如,要么在嘴的前部有“钉状牙齿”,要么就根本没有牙齿。)
  • 12、Is the word rum itself isambiguous.(词语本身就很模糊。)
  • 13、But in the everyday practice of science, discovery frequently follows anambiguous and complicated route.(但在每天的科学实践中,发现往往遵循一条模糊和复杂的路径。)
  • 14、The phrasing of the report isambiguous.(这份报告的措辞模棱两可。)
  • 15、Her account was deliberatelyambiguous.(她的陈述故意含混不清。)
  • 16、As with error correction, however, there's a limit beyond which messages become tooambiguous.(然而和纠错一样,这里有一个限制,超过后消息就会变得太模糊。)
  • 17、ambiguous, you say?(您是说存在歧义?)
  • 18、Since lake levels are controlled by rates of evaporation as well as by precipitation, the interpretation of such levels isambiguous.(由于湖泊水位是由蒸发率和降水量控制的,对这种水位的解释是模糊不清的。)
  • 19、This agreement is veryambiguous and open to various interpretations.(这个协议非常模棱两可,可以有多种解释。)
  • 20、Language can beambiguous.(语言很容易有歧义。)
  • 21、Strings are less efficient but lessambiguous.(字符串效率较低,但更为明确。)
  • 22、Here the Stockholm declaration isambiguous.(在这一点上,斯德哥尔摩宣言模棱两可。)
  • 23、The significance of a great storm seemed to beambiguous and might announce the death of a good person, or the passing of an evil person into hell.(大暴风的意义似乎有些模糊,可能宣告一个好人离世,或者一个恶人下地狱。)
  • 24、Theambiguous "they" said it was impossible.(那些含糊其辞的说法:他们说这是不可能的。)
  • 25、In retrospect, it is possible to see the uneasy andambiguous nature of this relationship.(回顾过去,我们可能会看到这种关系不安和模糊的本质。)
  • 26、There is anambiguous.(这里有点模糊。)
  • 近义词、反义词
