


  • 1、With the skin gone, to what can the hairattach itself?(皮之不存,毛将焉附?)
  • 2、The tactic is a bit complicated for a brief article, but the basic idea is toattach each digit to a specific consonant.(对于一篇短文来说,这个策略有点复杂,但基本的概念是把每个数字跟一个特定的辅音字母关联起来。)
  • 3、Owing to the current exam-oriented education environment, studentsattach much importance to learning English, which might negatively impact on traditional Chinese cultural values.(由于现行应试教育环境的影响,学生非常重视学习英语,这可能会给中国传统的文化价值带来负面的影响。)
  • 4、How do I scan a photo andattach it to an email?(怎样把照片扫描并放到电子邮件的附件呢?)
  • 5、Different smells can provide us with intimate and emotionally charged experiences and the value that weattach to these experiences is interiorised by the members of society in a deeply personal way.(不同的气味可以为我们提供亲密而充满感情的体验,我们对这些体验的重视会由社会成员以非常个人化的方式内化。)
  • 6、She trying to come up with a lable toattach to nutria fashions to show it is eco-friendly.(她试图想出一个标签,贴在nutria时装上,以显示它是环保的。)
  • 7、Government shouldattach great importance to cyber security which is constantly under attack and is of great importance to national security.(政府应该十分重视网络安全,它不断地受到攻击,却又对于国家安全十分重要。)
  • 8、I'll see what I can do about the picture of my girlfriend. I'llattach some pictures of myself.(我看看我能拿我女朋友的照片做些什么。我要附上几张我自己的照片。)
  • 9、We shouldattach importance to children's mental health.(我们应该重视儿童心理健康。)
  • 10、Iattach a copy of my notes for your information.(我附上笔记一份供你参考。)
  • 11、Weattach labels to things before we file them away.(我们在把东西归档前先给它们贴上标签。)
  • 12、It must be stressed that we shouldattach great importance to environmental protection.(必须着重指出的是,我们必须重视环保。)
  • 13、Schools shouldattach great importance to the teaching of personal integrity which is one of the most important assets in a person's life.(学校应该重视个人诚信的教育,个人诚信是一个人人生中最重要的财产之一。)
  • 14、My parents alwaysattach great importance to my getting a good education.(我的父母总是很重视我接受良好的教育。)
  • 15、Theyattach great importance to the project.(他们高度重视这个项目。)
  • 16、While I tend to buy a lot of books, these three were given to me as gifts, which might add to the meaning Iattach to them.(虽然我倾向于买很多书,但这三本书是作为礼物送给我的,这可能会增加我赋予它们的意义。)
  • 17、Iattach great importance to this research.(我认为这项研究十分重要。)
  • 18、This does notattach any blame to you.(这事你一点责任也没有。)
  • 19、It is possible toattach executable program files to e-mail.(可以在电子邮件上附上可执行程序文件。)
  • 20、These act like batteries when they undergo a temperature change:attach electrodes to them and they generate a current.(它们经历温度变化时会像电池一样工作:给它们接上电极,它们就会产生电流。)
  • 21、Ink particlesattach themselves to air bubbles and rise to the surface.(墨点吸附在气泡上,升到表面。) Hao86.com
  • 22、He wouldattach a cable around the chassis of the car and winch it up on to the canal bank.(他会在汽车底盘上拴一条缆绳,然后用绞车把汽车吊到运河岸边。)
  • 23、Young people tend toattach importance to pre-marital finance.(年轻人往往很重视婚前财务问题。)
  • 24、Education, to which parentsattach much importance, is always a hot topic.(父母非常重视的教育问题一直都是一个热门话题。)
  • 25、If weattach too much importance to money, we cannot find the real meaning of life, and nor can we find pleasure in life.(如果我们太过看重金钱,我们就无法找到生活真正的意义,我们也没办法在生活中找到乐趣。)
  • 26、When they reach full size, theyattach to a leaf by their tail, and a pupa is formed.(当它们长到最大尺寸时,它们用尾部附着在树叶上,蛹就形成了。)
  • 27、We shouldattach importance to grammar knowledge when we learn a foreign language.(当我们学习一门外语时,应该把重点放在语法知识上。)
  • 28、No one is suggesting that any health risksattach to this product.(没有人指出这个产品可能会危害健康。)
  • 29、If anyone could safelyattach his name to dramas, surely it would be Seneca, the emperor's tutor.(如果有人能把他的名字安全地与戏剧联系起来,那肯定是皇帝的老师塞内加。)
  • 30、The car owner is directed to a park, told where to find a bird cage and how toattach money to the neck of the pigeon inside.(车主会被指引到一个公园,被告知哪里可以找到鸟笼,以及如何把钱系在笼子里面鸽子的脖子上。)
  • 近义词、反义词
