


  • 1、Twenty-six participants were given Aesop'sadvert for hard work and another 26 were given Kafka's more pessimistic tale.(其中二十六个参与者就像伊索寓言中所写一样辛勤工作,而另外二十六个则是像卡夫卡故事更加的悲观。)
  • 2、Theadvert took four months to grow and prepare.(这则广告用了四个月的时间种植和准备。)
  • 3、Theadvert depicted the illusion of spilt paint all over the building and car park and parked cars.(这则广告描绘了一种幻觉:整个建筑物、停车场和所停的汽车都被碰上了洒出来的涂料。)
  • 4、He might as well have taken out anadvert announcing that his celebrity was on the wane.(他不如干脆登广告直接宣布他的名气正在衰减算了。)
  • 5、This includes the "hard" costs, such as placing a jobadvert, and the "hidden" costs, such as time spent conducting interviews.(其中包括投放招聘广告等“硬成本”,以及花在面试上的时间等“隐形成本”。)
  • 6、In 2000, an npoweradvert showed a ginger family under the banner "There are some things in life you can't choose".(2000年,一个电力公司广告展示了一个红发家庭站在写有“人生的有些东西你是无法选择的”的横幅下面。)
  • 7、Microsoft's doctoredadvert was shown to users in Poland.(微软向波兰的用户展示了一幅被修改过的广告图片。)
  • 8、A spokeswoman for Ford said that theadvert was aimed at young men and was intended to be humorous.(而福特的女发言人称,这则广告针对的是年轻人,目的是为了幽默。)
  • 9、Alarmingly, myadvert was not the only one of its kind: the London edition of Gumtree had four similar ones.(令人震惊的是,我这样的广告不是唯一的:在伦敦版的Gumtree有四个类似的。)
  • 10、We do have to cross our legs every time when Christian Dioradvert comes on.(每当克里斯汀·迪奥的广告出现时,我们还是不得不翘起二郎腿。)
  • 11、Wildly misleading: the image on anadvert for the tiger 'park' at Guilin has no relation to the reality.(疯狂误导:图片上的广告中,在桂林的老虎'乐园'是彻头彻尾的乌托邦。)
  • 12、OK, strictly speaking this is a poster not anadvert but the lines of difference are blurred.(好吧,严格来说,这是张海报而不是广告牌,但是两者的区别微乎其微。)
  • 13、I stumbled across hisadvert accidentally after finishing university, and have not looked back since.(在大学毕业后的一次偶然的机会,我意外看到了他的广告,从此就没有再回头。)
  • 14、I saw anadvert in a magazine and I was just calling to get some details.(我在一本杂志上看到一个广告,打电话来了解一些细节。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 15、A TVadvert for sweet onions showed a rugby player eating beans that made him smell "stinky."(这是一个为甜洋葱做的广告,画面上一个橄榄球运动员在大嚼豆子,而他身上则散发出一阵阵臭气。)
  • 16、A friend alerted me to theadvert for Castaway, saying I'd be the only person they knew mad enough to give it a go.(朋友提醒我留意这个广告,说我是他们认识的疯得够可以而且愿放手一搏的唯一一人。)
  • 17、Ronaldinho was seen giggling and holding up the product in theadvert, which was shown by major broadcasters on the mainland.(那则在大陆各大城市播放的产品广告里,罗纳尔迪尼奥笑咯咯地手里拿着他们的咽喉药产品。)
  • 18、Theadvert breaks down into 450 10m X 2m sections which are to be assembled just like a jigsaw puzzle.(这个广告牌被分解成450个10mx2m的部分,就像拼图玩具一样组装起来。)
  • 19、"Lifestyle is very social. It includes a lot of going out," he noted on his eBayadvert.(他在eBay上的广告中说:“生活方式是很具社会性的,其中包括很多社会交往的成分。”)
  • 20、So, as the stars of one popular Budadvert might ask, "Wassup?"(所以,正如一个流行的百威广告中那群明星所问的那样,“准备好了吗?”)
  • 21、Maybe we shouldn't expect anything else from an annual backslapping session built around a ridiculous number ofadvert breaks.(可能我们并不该对一个不过是围绕商业广告而打造的每年颁奖礼期待这么多。)
  • 22、Theadvert will be promoted in 40 different countries over a period of 12 months in an effort to reflect the true colours of Dubai.(这幅广告将在40个不同的国家进行长达12个月的宣传推广,目的是展现迪拜的本色。)
  • 23、Theadvert was trying to "show the ugliness of the illness, not of aids victims", he added.(他补充道,这则广告旨在“显示这个疾病的丑陋,而不是艾滋病患者本身。”)
  • 24、Although not the first brand to claim itsadvert can be viewed on Google Earth, the KFC logo is certainly one of the most ambitious.(虽然肯德基不是第一个声称能在谷歌地图上看到其广告的品牌,但它的商标无疑是最有野心的一个。)
  • 25、Swissair Barley's Gigant Cropadvert.(瑞士航空公司大麦的巨大庄稼广告。)
  • 26、Many of my clients felt that way about their site (advert, leaflet…).(我的很多客户对他们的网站(广告、传单……)都有这样的感觉。)
  • 近义词、反义词
