


  • 1、Their superior military strength gives them a hugeadvantage.(他们军事实力较强,占有巨大优势。)
  • 2、She had theadvantage of a good education.(她具有受过良好教育的有利条件。)
  • 3、Being tall gave Tony a distinctadvantage.(托尼个子高是个明显的优势。)
  • 4、They had theadvantage of playing before their home crowd.(他们有在主场观众面前比赛的优势。)
  • 5、He played the situation carefully for maximumadvantage.(他谨慎应付局面以获得最大利益。)
  • 6、She tookadvantage of him even after they were divorced.(她甚至在他们离婚以后仍然利用他。)
  • 7、It is surprising that it has taken people so long to takeadvantage of what is a win-win opportunity.(令人惊讶的是,人们花了那么长的时间才把一个双赢的机会利用起来。)
  • 8、As a boxer, his long reach gives him a significantadvantage.(作为拳击运动员,他出拳距离长是他很大的优势。)
  • 9、Students should take fulladvantage of the university's facilities.(学生应该充分利用大学的设施。)
  • 10、A small car has the addedadvantage of being cheaper to run.(小型轿车还有一个优点是养护成本比较便宜。)
  • 11、I intend to take fulladvantage of this trip to buy the things we need.(我打算充分利用这次旅行来购买我们需要的物品。)
  • 12、The enemy would always have theadvantage of familiarity with the rugged terrain.(敌人会一直在对崎岖地形的熟悉上占有优势。)
  • 13、Men have created a social and economic position ofadvantage for themselves over women.(男性创造了相对于女性的社会和经济上的优势地位。)
  • 14、It has the doubleadvantage of being both easy and cheap.(它具有既方便又便宜的双重优点。)
  • 15、Cleveland held a 12-pointadvantage at the halfway point.(克利夫兰在半程时拥有12分的优势。)
  • 16、Simon saw she was hesitating and pressed home hisadvantage.(西蒙见她犹豫不决,便趁机占尽优势。)
  • 17、The photograph showed him toadvantage.(他在这张照片中照得挺不错的。)
  • 18、His height gives him an inbuiltadvantage over his opponent.(他的身高成为他相对于对手的先天优势。)
  • 19、Sensing he held theadvantage, Mr. Danbar was loath to change the subject.(丹巴先生觉得占有优势,不愿改变话题。)
  • 20、The government and its opponents compete to exploit the troubles to theiradvantage.(政府及其反对者们竞相利用这些动乱来取得利益。)
  • 21、One greatadvantage of this metal is that it doesn't rust.(这金属最大的一个优点就是不生锈。)
  • 22、They are taking undueadvantage of the situation.(他们过分利用了这种情势。)
  • 23、His height gives him a clearadvantage.(他的身高使他具有明显的优势。)
  • 24、Can't you see (that) he's takingadvantage of you?(他在利用你,难道你看不出来?)
  • 25、Victory in the last game gave them a psychologicaladvantage over their opponents.(上一场比赛的胜利使他们比对手有心理优势。)
  • 26、His height was a decidedadvantage in the job.(干这项工作,他的身高是明显优势。)
  • 27、The greatadvantage of home-grown oranges is their magnificent flavour.(自产橙子的巨大优势是其极好的味道。)
  • 28、They had been given an unfairadvantage.(他们得到了不公正的好处。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 近义词、反义词
