


  • 1、The mainattraction at Giverny is Monet's garden.(吉维尼主要的景点是莫奈花园。)
  • 2、What is theattraction of open source, anyway?(无论如何,开源的吸引力是什么?)
  • 3、Part of theattraction of photography is gadgets and mechanical doodads.(摄影术的吸引力部分在于它那些小装置和机械玩意儿。)
  • 4、Sometimes the power can be so great that young people may easily become victims to theirattraction.(有时这种力量是如此强大,导致年轻人很容易在他们的吸引下成为受害者。)
  • 5、The Bamboo Train has become a popular touristattraction.(竹火车已经成为一种受欢迎的旅游景点。)
  • 6、The zookeeper explains to the mime that the zoo's most popularattraction, a gorilla, has died suddenly.(动物园管理员对哑剧演员解释到,那只动物园里最受大家欢迎的、最能吸引游人的大猩猩突然死了。)
  • 7、Sexualattraction is a large part of falling in love.(堕入爱河很大部分是由于性吸引。)
  • 8、Our level ofattraction to the opposite sex has more to do with our inner confidence than how we look.(我们对异性的吸引程度更多地与我们内心的自信有关,而不是外貌。)
  • 9、Jim was only human--thisattraction was too much for him.(吉姆只是个凡人——这种吸引力对他来说太大了。)
  • 10、It was no more than a passing gimmick or a fairgroundattraction.(它只不过是个过眼云烟的噱头或露天市场上的景点。)
  • 11、New York City police captured a cow on the loose in Prospect Park on Tuesday after the animal became anattraction for tourists while walking along the streets and enjoying the park facilities.(周二,纽约警方在展望公园开阔地带捕获了一头四处游荡的牛,这头牛在沿街散步和享受公园设施的过程中吸引了大量游客。)
  • 12、Certainly no one in the media would deny theattraction of living behind a deep moat, even if it is filled with sharks.(当然,媒体中没有人会否认围在深深的护城河里面过日子的吸引力,即使那河里满是鲨鱼在游来游去。)
  • 13、You can think of it as physicalattraction.(你可以把它看作是身体上的吸引。)
  • 14、However, online CBT programs have been gaining popularity, with theattraction of providing low-cost help wherever someone has access to a computer.(然而,在线CBT项目越来越受欢迎,吸引人的是它可以提供低成本的帮助,只要有人可以使用电脑。)
  • 15、The maneattraction—a lion made from pineapple and apple slices takes pride of place on the dinner table.(鬃毛的吸引力——由菠萝和苹果片制成的狮子占据了餐桌上的首要位置。) hAo86.com
  • 16、She felt an immediateattraction for him.(她对他顿生爱慕。)
  • 17、I'm going to define what love is but the most of the experiments I'm going to talk about are really focused more onattraction than love.(我会定义什么是爱,但是我要讲的大部分实验都更关注吸引力而不是爱。)
  • 18、Now this former royal palace is open to the public as a major touristattraction.(现在,这座曾经的皇家宫殿作为一个主要的旅游景点向公众开放。)
  • 19、According to the law ofattraction, you attract what you want in your life.(通过吸引力法则,你吸引到自己想在人生中得到的东西。)
  • 20、With your thoughts, you create your reality. This is the principle ofattraction.(你可以运用你的思想,创造你的现实。这就是吸引力的原则。)
  • 21、Theattraction for students might at first seem obvious.(对学生的吸引力乍看之下似乎显而易见。)
  • 22、Was it because of the growingattraction of the Internet, video games and endless TV channels?(是因为互联网、电子游戏和无穷无尽的电视频道的吸引力越来越大吗?)
  • 23、The uncertainty of winning provides addedattraction and desirability through emotional thrills.(因为情感上的刺激性,胜利的不确定性增加了其吸引力和别人得到它的欲望。)
  • 24、She is the starattraction of the show.(她是这个节目中耀眼的明星。)
  • 25、In vice, theattraction of the abnormal creates troubling anxiety: the spirit seems to have become blood and stirs in the flesh like an immanent force.(在邪恶中,异常事物的吸引创造出令人不安的焦虑:精神似乎已经变成了血液,像一股内在的力量搅动着肉体。)
  • 26、At the end of the day, the zookeeper comes and gives the mime a raise for being such a goodattraction as a gorilla.(一天结束的时候,动物园管理员给这个哑剧演员加了薪水,因为这样一个大猩猩更有吸引力。)
  • 27、Aside from the picturesque scenery of Sichuan province, the dishes there is also anattraction to tourists.(除了四川如画的风景以外,川菜对游客也很有吸引力。)
  • 28、The pagoda on the top of the hill, said to have been constructed in the Song dynasty, is a popular touristattraction.(山顶上的宝塔据说建于宋代,是一个受欢迎的旅游景点。)
  • 29、The river in San Antonio winds through the middle of the business district, and the River Walk, or Pasco del Rio, is the city's most popularattraction.(圣安东尼奥的河蜿蜒穿过商业区的中心;而河边的步行街,也就是PascodelRio,是这座城市最受欢迎的景点。)
  • 30、Visit Toronto's most excitingattraction this year, the Xie Shou Giant Panda Experience.(参观多伦多今年最激动人心的景点——谢寿大熊猫之旅。)
  • 近义词、反义词
