


  • 1、I'm pretty sure (that) he'llagree.(他会同意的,对此我有相当的把握。)
  • 2、I don'tagree with spanking.(我不赞成打屁股。)
  • 3、'So, did youagree or not?' he persisted.(“那么你同意了没有?”他叮问道。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 4、So we bothagree there's a problem?(那么我们两个人都同意是有一个问题啦?)
  • 5、I entirelyagree with you.(我完全同意你的看法。)
  • 6、Iagree with every word you've just said.(我同意你刚刚说的每个字。)
  • 7、"It's appalling."—"It is. Iagree."(“这糟透了。”—“对。我同意。”)
  • 8、Why ever did youagree?(你究竟为什么要同意?)
  • 9、Iagree with you to a certain degree.(我在某种程度上同意你的观点。)
  • 10、When he said that, I had toagree.(他说了那话,我只好同意。)
  • 11、I don't altogetheragree with you.(我不完全同意你的意见。)
  • 12、No, I'm sorry, I can'tagree with you.(不,抱歉,我不同意你。)
  • 13、It would seem that we allagree.(我们大家似乎都同意。)
  • 14、I'm inclined toagree with you.(我倾向于同意你的观点。)
  • 15、They are certain toagree.(他们肯定会同意。)
  • 16、I am inclined toagree with Alan.(我倾向于同意艾伦的看法。)
  • 17、We rarelyagree on what to do.(我们很少在要做的事情上看法一致。)
  • 18、Broadly speaking , Iagree with you.(我大体上赞同你的意见。)
  • 19、We, the undersigned,agree to...(我们,本文件的具名人,同意…)
  • 20、We were wrong to assume she'dagree.(我们错误地以为她会同意。)
  • 21、I'm sorry, I don'tagree.(对不起,我不同意。)
  • 22、I myself do notagree.(我本人不同意。)
  • 23、I heartilyagree with her on this.(在这一点上我十分赞同她。)
  • 24、Iagree with you, as it happens.(我恰恰和你意见一致。)
  • 25、I'm half inclined toagree.(我不十分同意。)
  • 26、I don't reallyagree with that.(对此我不太赞同。)
  • 27、Iagree with you up to a point.(我在某种程度上同意你的看法。)
  • 28、He did notagree with indulging children.(他不同意娇惯孩子。)
  • 29、I'llagree to anything for an easy life.(只要有安逸舒适的生活我什么都同意。)
  • 近义词、反义词
