


  • 1、This may be the band's last publicappearance together.(这可能是这个乐队最后一次全体公开亮相。) haO86.com
  • 2、The suddenappearance of a security guard caused them to drop the money and run.(保安人员突然出现,他们丢下钱就跑了。)
  • 3、The privations of monastery life were evident in hisappearance.(修道院生活的清苦从他的穿着外表明显地表露出来。)
  • 4、He worries obsessively about hisappearance.(他过度烦恼自己的外表。)
  • 5、He took in every detail of herappearance.(他仔仔细细打量了她一番。)
  • 6、The plant resembles grass inappearance.(这种植物的外形像草。)
  • 7、Don't be fooled by hisappearance.(不要被他的外表所蒙蔽。)
  • 8、She became neglectful of herappearance.(她变得不修边幅起来。)
  • 9、Myappearance looked foreign.(我的外表看起来像外国人。)
  • 10、The two visitors provided a startling contrast inappearance.(两位来访者的外貌有惊人的不同。)
  • 11、He's very insecure about hisappearance.(他对自己的长相没有信心。)
  • 12、Herappearance at this moment is an omen of disaster.(她此时的出现是灾难的预兆。)
  • 13、She once made a briefappearance on television.(她曾在电视上短暂露面。)
  • 14、She sets great store by herappearance.(她十分看重自己的外貌。)
  • 15、Her suddenappearance did not seem to perturb him in the least.(她的突然出现似乎一点也没有令他不安。)
  • 16、They became civic heroes and received a tumultuous ovation on theirappearance in New York City.(他们成了平民英雄,在纽约市一露面就迎来了一阵激动的欢呼。)
  • 17、The President made a personalappearance at the event.(总统亲临现场。)
  • 18、Young people are very sensitive about theirappearance.(年轻人对自己的外貌很敏感。)
  • 19、Lawyers advised their clients that a neatappearance went down well with the judges.(律师们向其当事人们建议说,整洁的外表会赢得法官们的好感。)
  • 20、The suddenappearance of a few bags of rice could start a riot.(几袋大米的突然出现会引起一场骚乱。)
  • 21、She had never been greatly concerned about herappearance.(她从来不怎么注重外貌。)
  • 22、She used to be so fussy about herappearance.(她过去过分在意自己的外表。)
  • 23、Organically grown produce does not differ greatly inappearance from conventionally grown crops.(有机农产品与传统方法种植的农产品在外观上没有太大的区别。)
  • 24、He made a brief, unexpectedappearance at the office.(他在办公室短暂、出人意料地露了一面。)
  • 25、He made a guestappearance on the show.(他在这个节目里是客串出场。)
  • 26、The dog was similar in generalappearance to a spaniel.(这条狗总的来看像西班牙猎狗。)
  • 27、The commentators make endless quips about the players'appearance.(解说员们对球员们的外貌没完没了地说着俏皮话。)
  • 28、She would joke about herappearance.(她会拿她的长相开玩笑。)
  • 29、It was the president's second publicappearance to date.(这是迄今该总统的第二次公开露面。)
  • 30、She had always prided herself on herappearance.(她总是对自己的外貌感到得意。)
  • 近义词、反义词
